Monday, September 04, 2006

Bush Admin. Makes Iranian Prez More Powerful

Iran's President, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, has gone from being an obscure and not-so-powerful politician to a central player in the Mideast, simply by goading the United States.

"Washington has a long habit of painting its enemies 10 feet tall and crazy. During the cold war, many hawks argued that the Soviet Union could not be deterred because the Kremlin was evil and irrational. The great debate in the 1970s was between the CIA's wimpy estimate of Soviet military power and the neoconservatives' more nightmarish scenario. The reality turned out to be that even the CIA's lowest estimates of Soviet power were a gross exaggeration. During the 1990s, influential commentators and politicians most prominently the Cox Commission doubled the estimates of China's military spending, using largely bogus calculations. And then there was the case of Saddam Hussein's capabilities. Saddam, we were assured in 2003, had nuclear weapons and because he was a madman, he would use them."

Full Article via MSNBC

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