Friday, February 02, 2007

Bush to Seek Record $716 Billion for Defense Spending

Next week, Bush is putting in a request for $716 Billion for defense and to fund the war on terror. According to Tony Capaccio (, the budget will go something like this: $93.4 billion in additional money for fiscal 2007 to cover costs of the fighting in Iraq and Afghanistan. The remaining $622.6 billion would cover the year ending Sept. 30, 2008 and include $141.7 billion for the wars.

Capaccio also writes, "The military funding request is greater than the annual gross domestic product of all but 14 countries." Meanwhile, Bush has pulled funding for healthcare programs, such as Access to Care, for citizens with no insurance to receive affordable health care. So now we have people who can't afford their medications, and who are walking around with disease and pain with no way to receive help, however they will be defended by Bush, with $716 billion!

Patriot$ don't a$k Question$. United Republik of Amerika

US-Iraqi fight with cult cover-up for a massacre?

Independent reporters in Iraq have discovered that the battle between a messianic cult and U.S.-Iraqi forces was a cover-up. With a possible motive of suppressing Shia-Sunni unity which was growing in the area of Najaf.

"We were going to conduct the usual ceremonies that we conduct every year when we were attacked by Iraqi soldiers," Jabbar al-Hatami, a leader of the al-Hatami Shia Arab tribe (supposed 'cult') said.

"We thought it was one of the usual mistakes of the Iraqi army killing civilians, so we advanced to explain to the soldiers that they killed five of us for no reason. But we were surprised by more gunfire from the soldiers."

From another eyewitness to the tragedy: "American helicopters participated in the slaughter," Jassim Abbas, a farmer from the area said. "They were soon there to kill those pilgrims without hesitation, but they were never there for helping Iraqis in anything they need. We just watched them getting killed group by group while trapped in those plantations."

Via AlterNet