Ann Coulter: "profiling Muslims is more like profiling the Klan", the stupid bitch is at it again.
Remember "12 ridiculous things Ann Coulter has said"? Well, here is number 13. Actually, I'm quite positive that there are many more idiotic things she's said, but for all intents and purposes...
From Media Matters:
In a November 30 syndicated column about the removal of six imams from an airplane in Minnesota after other passengers saw them praying prior to boarding, right-wing pundit Ann Coulter (a woman among the ignorant ranks of Bill O'Reilly) claimed that racially "profiling Muslims is more like profiling the Klan" than it is like profiling African-Americans, "because of the history of discrimination against blacks in this country." Coulter added: "What did we do to the Arabs? I believe Americans are the victims in that relationship."