Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Europeans See U.S. as Threat to Global Stability

europeAdults in five European nations express reservations about the role of the U.S. in world affairs, according to a poll by Harris Interactive published in the Financial Times.

30% of respondents believe the U.S. is the greatest threat to global stability. Iran is second on the list with 23%, followed by China with 15%, Iraq with 14%, North Korea with 8%, and Russia with 2%.

In Spain, 44% of respondents place the U.S. as the main perceived threat. 36 per cent of respondents in Britain—and 28 per cent of respondents in France—feel the same way. In Italy, Iran was the first country on the list with 31%. The U.S. and Iran are tied with 24 per cent in Germany’s sample. Via Angus Reid

In Britain alone, 36% said America is the biggest threat to global stability. HELLO?! Shouldn't this be some sort of clue to the Bush Administration? Then there is how the majority of the U.S. feels about the loss of American lives in Iraq.

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