Saturday, October 14, 2006

Free America will end on Tuesday 10/17

On Tuesday, October 17, at 9:35 a.m., George W. Bush will sign the Military Commissions Act (more via Wikipedia) and abolish some important rights that our founding fathers had placed at the heart of our so-called democracy.

Thereafter, Bush and his minions will have the power to arbitrarily decide that you may be a threat to this nation. They can then lock you up and throw away the key. They don't need to tell you why you're being detained. They may torture you, as long as they don't call it that. They don't have to reveal whatever evidence they might have against you, so there is no way that you'll ever be able to dispute that secret evidence or prove your innocence. You're at their mercy.

This sounds like the kind of thing that goes on in brutal third-world dictatorships. But soon it will be the new American way. Every day we are dragged closer to the supressive, totalitarian society that George Orwell warned us about in his book '1984.' See the votes and how representatives from your state voted. via

For an even more in depth analysis of the problem read Nick Zsabo's "Liberty and habeas corpus" - Part I and Part II. (Thanks Nick!)


Anonymous said...

You forgot the detail about coerced confessions being used against you at the military court. This law is really quite a read.

Anonymous said...

All sounds great without specific examples of how certain parts of the new law will affect/negate actual time-honored systems. Otherwise, this is just more hyperbole...

DJN said...

I like this Benjamin Franklin quote: "They who would give up an essential liberty for temporary security, deserve neither liberty or security."

Zingus J. Rinkle said...

Time to buy Guy Fawke masks.

DJN said...

Haha, yes definitely need some masks!

Anonymous said...

Why don't you Americans mobilize and get citizens across the country to write emails to each other threatening to kill Bush and his neocons? That way, the security services will be chasing these 'criminals', much like the boy who put his finger in the dyke.

You citizens have the power, but you are not using it. Instead of bemoaning the stupidity Bush is pushing on you, DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT!

Break the laws, and keep on breaking them. That's the best way to fight the lunatics. Make them work hard to justify their lunacy. Go to it America!

DJN said...

It's not that easy, plus it's not right to 'break the law' even though it would help.

People are uprising, communicating, speaking out and protesting like never before. And I think it will become even more apparent as time goes on. It's a matter of time.


Anonymous said...

Free America? Cops pulling drivers over to the side of the road to enforce a dress code. Get caught not wearing a seatbelt and you better be ready to show your papers, resist and be shot. Free America?

Break a leg and then get a prescription for pain killers filled at your local pharmacy. You will be reported to the government.

Borrow a book from the library about the Koran. You will not only be reported to the government but you are likely to be visited by some government representatives who will give you an opportunity to explain your interest in the Koran.

Free America?

DJN said...

Exactly - "What free America?"

Anonymous said...

What do we do? Is it time to take action (other than voting)? If so, WHAT?!?!?!?

DJN said...

There are many things we can do to take action:

We can speak out!

If you have friends or family that don't know about this - LET THEM KNOW!

Don't be afraid to tell others how you feel about this!

As soon as a person is afraid to voice their opinion and what they think is right, is when you have been supressed. It is the feeling inside many people today...they are afraid of voicing their opinions for fear of other's not liking them.

Don't be afraid anymore, the Bush Administration has been making everyone so fearful ver the past years so they will have no choice but to confide in Bush and give up their LIBERTIES for FALSE SECURITY.

Anonymous said...

These laws only comfirm the intentions of a government that's been long belligerant to its people.

I suspect violations of habeas corpus are already happening, and have been for years. These laws are to insure that there aren't any nosey judges trying to hold the executive or the military accountable.

So I don't think this law means things are going to get that bad. I think it means they were already that bad.

Anonymous said...

you people should be thankful you live in such a Free country you could live in some European country or them middle east. So quit whinning and be satisfied you have it so good.

Anonymous said...

We live in a free country? I think not. We live in a country where people are free to own property, but not free to have a fair trial. I think that's what this thread is all about sir.

So take your freedom ain't free mentality and stick it up your ass.

:) Good day.

Anonymous said...

This is the Fourth Reich that the Bush family has been pushing for for decades (Prescott Bush funded the Nazi/Hitler war machine through Fritz thyssen and I.G. Farben.) This is the New Wrld Order "Poppy" bush spoke of on SEPTEMBER, 11 1990.
The irony of the whole thing is that the Russian Communists' (the communist party/movement bing funded by Wall Street & the American gov't) plan to beat this former REPUBLIC (not democracy) was to turn us into communists. I think they won.

Anonymous said...

Good luck you all with the forthcoming elections. And also good luch, much more in fact, after the elections. 2007 might turn out to be one of the most crucial years for the US since its formation, with the clearly fascistoid regime, end-term and forced to show it's choice: staying in power, or presidential elections. - Carl, Belgium

Anonymous said...

Those who sit around debating and gossiping are of little use to America. Those who believe Bill Clinton is the better man, is no man himself. Parties want to demolish each other, yet try to stand tall and tell everyone how much better they are than the other. Gay marriages, abortions and no faith in God is far worse than anything the Bush adminisration has done. When Democrats take office, just how much better is America? If you want to know something, read your bible. Everything starts with yourself and your home and your hometown. If you want to debate the state of the union, I hope you have went to church and God is a part of your every decision. Otherwise, your opinion means nothing. This country has been going down the wrong path long before Bush came into office.

Anonymous said...

i think bush has his reasons and we need to trust him

Anonymous said...

You Americans are so screwed.

Anonymous said...

We're fucked.

Anonymous said...

Re: "i think bush has his reasons and we need to trust him"

Haha! The German people trusted Hitler in the same way. He had his reasons too.

If you follow your current leader to blindly, without the checks and balances of an educated and open society, then I think you, as a nation, have already lost the right to be called a democtracy. I hope I'm wrong, and you see sense soon...

Anonymous said...

People like the bible thumper who posted at 5:03 are exactly why the American founding father decided to seperate church and state. If you think gay marriage is a bigger threat to the union than the death of habeus corpus, you need some serious "re" education

DJN said...

"People like the bible thumper who posted at 5:03 are exactly why the American founding father decided to seperate church and state."

I totally agree with this. Religion is an idea and opinion, it shouldn't be confused with power and governing bodies of states.

Anonymous said...

Liberals won't let people have religion if it's Christianity. Liberals wholly support any other religion, just not Christianity and it's a bit hypocritical.

Gay marriage is an example of how liberals WANT religion and state to converge.

Marriage is a religious celebration. Why should the government control it?

Anonymous said...

here's the problem. in this universe, in this galaxy, on this planet - monkeys sat. and they sat. and they talked and screwed, and eventually these monkeys learned to use tools. and they sat. and they talked and they screwed. now the monkeys all want to be like the other monkeys, have the same tools and the same monkey friends, and some monkeys want control over the other monkeys. how do we establish equality over the whole monkey kingdom? how do we instill intelligence in the monkeys? how do we advance compassion in the monkeys? how do we end greed, end hatred, end fear? i say give all the monkeys all the bananas they can stomach, let them legislate themselves. but when it comes down to it - sadly, it seems the monkeys were just left in space a little too long. they sat around and talked and screwed a little too much. now the monkeys have huge issues to face, like burning their little monkey planet up with fossil fuels, carbon emissions. and on top of that more than half the monkeys are insane! they think that one monkey that died and came back will come again, wipe away all the pollution, cocaine, obesity and tattoos - and then said monkey will save all the other monkeys and usher them into a whole new desire trip. heaven. welcome to heaven, a place of wanting, a place of desire. and any place of desire, if you sit down and get down to it. is a place of unfulfillment. so all these unfulfilled monkeys who art in heaven, will start exactly whats happened here, and they will continue to screw and talk and want, so on and so forth.

america will continue to be in the same stance as it always has been as long as we keep on this desire trip. the country is filled with people spending money they dont have on things they can't afford. get over it. all your doing is buying into materials that will decay, that will wreck, that will break, etc. simplify your life. you just need the essentials. work on yourSELF.

"i believe that if i were to expect a politician to use his or her voice to better the world, we should expect the same of ourselves."

meditate, do yoga, center. wake the fuck up.

then help others.

besides you don't exist anyway, if you don't live in the moment.

the future is fantasy, the past is shrouded memory/falsity - you only exist in the present.

so be here now.

and then be here now.

and then here.

and we're here now.

you'll get it soon, i hope.

Anonymous said...

and while you spend your money, think of the companies you're empowering. really think.

Anonymous said...

even in our apathetic feelings, ways, a microcausm CAN influence the greater whole.

Anonymous said...

It all leads back to the "Skull and Crossbones" soceity on Yale's campus. Those members have been plotting to take over for over 100 years. And look who is getting a fast track approval for Sectetary of Defense....Mr. Gates is a buddy and fellow S&C member of Dictator Bush.

Anonymous said...

Clinton was Skull and Crossbones too. hmmmm