Friday, February 09, 2007

Televangelists and Tax-Exempt Private Luxury Jets

Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington (CREW) has filed a complaint with the IRS against Preacher Mac Hammond for using church funds to not only but a jet plane, but also a stunt plane.

Last fall, Hammond endorsed Rep. Michele Bachman, which CREW also filed a complaint about for violating the prohibition against clergy endorsing political candidates.

The purchasing of luxury jets, however, is indeed common among Televangelists. The funds used to purchase the jets, are basically payed for by taxpayers. Churches receive tax-exempt donations, and in return donors get tax deductions.

I wasn't aware that luxury jets were necessary for spreading the Word. Perhaps they put those streamers on the end of them? Maybe that is why Hammond also bought a stunt plane, to write the Message in the sky? And I haven't heard a complaint from any Republicans about this.

Via AlterNet

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