Saturday, August 11, 2007

California's Deadliest Earthquake

According to a story from The Raw Story, an apocalyptic earthquake is long overdue for the great state of California. A government scientist states that earthquakes of this magnitude usually hit California every 150 years, however it has been 300 years since the last one, making it long overdue. Its waiting, and building up. Several thousand are expected to die, and billions of dollars worth of damage is expected to be incurred by the monstrous quake.
They believe it will be a magnitude 7.8 earthquake that will shake through the San Andreas Fault. Torrance and Palm Springs have been deemed as the two 'case study cities' because they carry the weight of being the most potentially harmed during a quake of such magnitude.

The researchers would like to also study more in cities without the landscape destruction and more the economical and political chaos such an earthquake would cause. Aside from property damages, lives lost and other environmental changes, the economical influence could be devastating as well, especially in cities where the earthquake did not reach.

Nick Juliano, of The Raw Story, reports; "Scientists consider a quake along the San Andreas Fault in the Coachella Valley "a near inevitability," the Palm Springs Desert Sun reports, noting that such a quake could be the "most destructive natural disaster in U.S. history."

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